Tech Stack
Developers can keep on building amazing features, while content editors can start updating content from day 1. Simply hook Flamelink up to your Firebase project, set your permissions, create your schemas and off you go.
Tech Agnostic
Faster Performance
Webhooks and Integrations
Headless API - Micro-services
Case Studies
See how Sunrise, a leading Swiss telecommunications company, leveraged the adaptability and flexibility of Flamelink to configure a powerful CMS solution across multiple digital touchpoints.
Learn how TBWA\X, part of TBWA: The Disruption® Company, utilizes Flamelink and Firebase to bring brands to life with powerful digital customer experiences.
Read up about how nft42 built The Avastars Replicants Project, a web3.0 platform, to create new NFT's from modified existing NFT's using Firebase and Flamelink CMS.